Wednesday, August 8, 2007

been another long while

WOW been real real busy all month since the last post so I thought I would put a quickie in here.

We had the great BBT freeroll twice actually lol. FT site crashed after I was knocked out but FT was kind to reset the tourney and set it all back to the beginning. there was some talk about the fact that those who were knocked out now have a second chance some made their point against but as kind as this group is and some very valid points talked on the majority were okay with it. I even offer to AL a deal if I should make the money or win it but he appreciated it but felt it was not necessary since so many had no problem with the complete redo.

Still sticking with most of the regular tourneys with the other bloggers even with out pts lol. They are just a good bunch to play with and I am sure they don't mind me contributing to their winnings LOL.

Well making this brief since I am in the middle of The Mookie and maybe just maybe might cash in it for the first time lol. Also, if I get whacked in the tourney gonna have to hit the hay since me and Lisa will be heading on down to Panama City Beach for a 4 day weekend of Sand, Surf, Jet sking, some drink and just a good time.

No work laptop, no personal laptop, complete net disconnection for 4 days, ugggh the emails that will pile up lol but what the heck. Worth it, very much worth it.

Blog at ya later when I am relaxed and sunbaked next week :)


Oh well donked out early in the Mook, 37th, thought I was up against a bluff ended up being a semi-bluff with my King high to WPBT Ace high and he got flopped an ace, but got a king but didn't get anymore help and just like that out and gone. Probably good thing, feel half asleep and gotta get some good sleep for the road trip. No Riverchasers for me tomorrow since we will be secluded like I said above :) . saves me money lol.


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